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Stand Firm Conference 2025

Event Information
Starts Fri 4 April, 2025 9:00 AM
Ends Sat 5 April, 2025 5:00 PM

Stand Firm is a cultural worldview conference that aims to transform the way Christians view the world and engage in it with maximum gospel impact. Our vision is to see believers everywhere know what it takes to Stand Firm in any and every circumstance. 

We exist not only to inform believers, but inspire and deploy them. Education is for the sake of transformation, and activation. Stand Firm has a focus on the battles of the day, and how Christ’s enemies ought to be thwarted and opposed.

This year, we ask the question: What is Christ’s Mission in and through the Church? Our topics are in line with the ordinary means of grace – God's methods for furthering His enthroned Son’s Kingdom. But these session will not just be informative lectures. Expect to be challenged and exhorted to faithful labour for the Lord.